Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Budge

Budge or Budgie is what she responds to, not her real name. She is a funny baby, and we're all crazy about her. She's becoming very opinionated and strong willed, but she still remains a pretty easy baby. Among other things, she loves socks, books, whatever Rainey has, and feeding herself. She loves to wave now. This might be one of my favorite stages.

She usually has something she's carrying in her mouth while she plays:

This is her favorite sitting position:

And as you've already seen, she loves clumps of dirt:

How do you not love this face?


Amy & Mark said...

Adorable, adorable girls!! We are going to be in Utah in June and would love to connect with you guys! Will you be around?

Nathan said...

It's so funny how they always want to do what the older sibling is doing. I feel like our younger kids are growing up so much faster for that reason!